Ph.D. in Social Anthropology, Universita' di Bologna - Bologna, Italy


Since 2004 Valentina Peveri has been carrying out fieldwork in Southern Ethiopia. Two main passions have inspired her work: the resilience of perennial plants, subsistence and famine foods; and the robust constitution of (women) farmers who are materially and symbolically connected to such landscapes and foodscapes. Her research interests span the subfields of environmental, gendered, and bio-cultural anthropology.
Member of several anthropological associations (EASA, IUAES, ICAF Europe), Peveri was lecturer and research fellow at the University of Bologna between 2007 and 2015; a consultant at the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT); and the recipient of a Fulbright Research Scholarship which she spent at the African Studies Center, Boston University MA. In fall 2017, Prof. Peveri was awarded one of eight prestigious fellowships by the Wenner Gren Foundation for her research project entitledÌýThe Edible Gardens of Ethiopia. An Ethnographic Journey into Landscapes of Beauty and Hunger.