Three figures stand on three chairs, next to them lies a fourth empty chair that invites the viewer to participate, symbolically standing on the chair alongside the three statues. Only with the active participation of the spectator can the work be completed.

As well as members of the public, the inauguration will be attended by representatives of non-governmental organizations, universities, and students, including: Gianni Rufini, Director of Amnesty International; Irene Caratelli, Director of the International Relations and Global Politics program at the ²ÙŒÂÎÛÊÓƵ University of Rome and Francesca Del Bello, President of the Second Hall.

The sculpture travelled the world: Berlin, Alexanderplatz, Germany, Dresden, Theaterplatz, Germany, Geneva, Place des Nations, Switzerland, Paris, Place Georges Pompidou, France, Strasbourg, Place Kleber, France, Tours, Gare de Tours, France, Perugia, Piazza IV Novembre, Italy , Belgrade, Dev9t Festival, Serbia, Ptuj, Mestni tgr Square, Slovenia; Today, Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro, Italy

For his work the Artist received Le Prix Ethique 2016 from the French anti-corruption organization, Anticor.

David Dormino: “I chose to build a temporary public monument, a viral sculpture, understandable by all and capable of expressing a concept: the courage to know. It moves because it is a monument for all, not of political or religious creed, not only of one country. The courage of men like Snowden, Assange and Manning is for everyone. The empty chair can have a double meaning: it can be comfortable but can also be an uncomfortable position, from which we can get the idea of learning more about the world around us, and from another point of view.â€